Sage-Code Laboratory

JavaScript Objects

JavaScript objects are composite variables that encapsulate multiple values and methods. Each value is represented by a different element that has a name and is called "object attribute" or "field". Objects can also contain functions. These functions are called in objec oriented design: "methods" but in JavaScript they are simple functions that happen to be defined into an object context.

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Object Literals

Object literals are using a specific notation invented for JavaScript that is called: "JSON = "Java Script Object Notation". This notation is nice and slim so it was adopted by many other programming languages as a data format.

A simplified version of JSON has become standard for storing objects in text files or sending objects over the network. It is considered a light weight data representation format. It can not transport functions though.


let person = {
   firstName : "John",
   lastName : "Doe",
   age : 50,
   eyeColor : "blue",
   fullName : function () {
      return this.firstName + " " + this.lastName

In this example we declare an object: person that has several properties and one method. A method is a property of type function. The method name in this example is fullName.


Object Members

You can access object members in two ways:

You access an object method with the following syntax:


Inside methods you access properties of object using "this" keyword:

Alert: We can assign a function to a variable by mistake. Therefore do not forget to use parentheses () for a function call. Otherwise you can assign the function itself to a variable not the result! The empty parenthesis have the role to call & execute the function. Parantheses are required even if there is no argument for function.


console.log(person.firstName); // John
console.log(person.lastName); // Doe
console.log(person.fullName());// John Doe

Empty Object

You can create an empty object using syntax:

// create empty object
const objectName = {};
// add properties
objectName.x = 10;
objectName.y = 20;

Note:  This is just a demo, in practice you should not use this method to create objects. The code looks messy and is considered bad practice.

Object Factory

An object factory is a normal function that create an object. This kind of function is no longer used in practice but in older JavaScript code. It is good to know about this so you can read older code:

/* object factory function */
function createNewPerson(name) {
   var obj = {}; = name;
   obj.greeting = function() {
      console.log('Hi! I\'m ' + + '.');
   return obj;
/* create new objects */
var johnPerson = createNewPerson("John");
var petruPerson = createNewPerson("Petru");
johnPerson.greeting(); //call object method
petruPerson.greeting(); //call object method

Object Constructor

This is a special function that can produce an object, using keyword "new". This function is more elegant than "object factory". Does not have return, and is used only to create object instances.


/* object constructor */
function Person(name) { = name;
   this.greetings = function() {
      console.log('Hi! I\'m ' + + '.');
// instantiate two objects
var john = new Person("John");
var petru = new Person("Petru");
john.greetings(); // Hi! I'm John
petru.greetings();// Hi! I'm Petru

Fundamental Object

JavaScript has predefined objects. One of these is the "Fundamental Object". There are two alternative methods to create objects using the fundamental object:


// equivalent to "var o = {}";
let o = new Object();
// equivalent to "b = new Boolean()";
let b = new Object(Boolean());

Object prototype

Object.create() method can be used to create new object from an existing object. The new object is based on "object prototype". An object prototype is automatically created when you create the object.

By reusing a prototype you inherit all its methods. This is how inheritance works in JavaScript. Therefore JavaScript is a Prototype Oriented Language. You can access the prototype using dot notation and you can extend the prototype with new functions and properties.


// object constructor Shape:
function Shape() { = 'Shape';
// object constructor Rectangle:
function Rectangle() {
/* Using JavaScript special function call(),
   an object can use a method belonging to another object */;
// binding prototype, to realize the inheritance
Rectangle.prototype = Object.create(Shape.prototype);
// test inheritance
const rect = new Rectangle();
console.log(; // expected output: "Shape"

How to modify prototype

The prototype of an object can be modified. You can add new functions and properties to a prototype using dot notation. When you do, all instances of the prototype will receive the new members.

/* define constructor for Person */
function Person(name) {
// property and method definitions = name;
// public method: hello
   this.hello = function() {
   console.log("hello " +;
/* create an object */
let person = new Person('Smith');
/* extend Person with a new function */
Person.prototype.farewell = function() {
   console.log("By "+ );
person.hello(); // test internal method
person.farewell();// test external method

Function Object

Every JavaScript function is actually a Function object. It can be created with alternative notation:

/* alternative notation for function object */
let sum = new Function('a', 'b', 'return a + b');
console.log(sum(2, 6)); // expected output: 8

Note: The example above is only to prove a point. It is not used in practice. The point is: if a function is an object than it can have properties. It means you can create new properties for a function using dot notation. Function properties

Having a property for a function is similar to a static variable. It can take values that are visible from outside the function and can be modified to modify the function behavior.


/* function with static property */
function getNext() {
    if ( == undefined) { = 0;
    else {;
/* test static property */
console.log(getNext()); // 0
console.log(getNext()); // 1 = 8
console.log(getNext()); // 8 = 12
console.log(getNext()); // 13

Observe: You must use: to define function properties. They are attached to function itself not to an object. You can not use to define function properties. That is the difference.

Define "class"

Is your head spinning yet? Sorry, this prototype theory prove to be difficult to grasp and sometimes insufficient.Therefore JavaScript try to evolve and has introduced new concept of "class". This is an attempt to adopt Java style OOP. In fact a "class" is syntax sugar for constructor function. It can be used to create object instances using keyword: "new".


class MyClass {
 property_name = value; // class property

   constructor(...) { // constructor has always this name
   // ...

   method_name(...) {} // class method
   second_method(...) {} // class method

   get something(...) {} // getter method
   set something(...) {} // setter method


In this example you can see 2 classes. One is extending the other. This is how inheritance can be done using the new JavaScript notation.

// base class
class Polygon {
   constructor(width, height) { = "Polygon";
       this.width = width;
       this.height = height;
// instantiate object: polygon
let polygon = new Polygon(20,30);
console.log(; // "Polygon"

// create a child class
class Square extends Polygon {
   constructor(length) {
       /* call constructor
          of the parent class
          this is a mandatory call */
       super(length, length);
       /* set initial value */ = 'Square';

   // read-only property
   get area() {
       return this.height * this.width;

// test new class: Square
let square = new Square(20);
console.log(; // Square
console.log(square.area); // 400
square.area = 50; // no effect
console.log(square.area); // 400


Object destructuring

You can use destructuring assignment with object literals. This is especially interesting when a function return multiple results that need to be assigned to different variables. Deconstructor will read attributes by name and will distribute them into independent variables.JavaScript is weird when it does this. If you are not aware you will not understand the code.


/* declare and initialize object */
let obj = {a: 42, b: true, c:"test"};
/* partial deconstructing object */
let {a, c} = obj;
console.log(a); // 42
console.log(c); // test
/* partial decosntructing one attribute */
let {b} = obj;
console.log(b); // true
Observe: Object deconstruction is very different than array deconstruction. It works by name not by position. In the example above, attribute "b: is not captured into a variable but skipped. We read only attributes "a" and "c". Therefore c == "test". In the end we read also "b" using deconstion.


/* object with 2 attributes */
let o = {p: 42, q: true};
/* mapping attributes */
let {p: foo, q: bar} = o;
console.log(foo); // 42
console.log(bar); // true

Note: There is more to know about destructuring objects:
Read Mozilla documentation for details:MDN Destructuring

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