Inheritance is one of fundamental features of Object Oriented programming. It is a powerful method to reuse code in a comprehensive manner. Once you learn this concept in Java you will be able to use this knowledge to learn other OOP Languages more easily.
Yes, there is a special class that is called "Object". This is the root class, and this is the only class that does not have a superclass. All other classes defined in Java are descended from the Object class.
Every class has one and only one direct superclass. In the absence of any other explicit superclass, a class is implicitly derived from Object. This model is called single inheritance. Notice that other languages like C++ and Python can use multiple inheritance model.
Java Class Hierarchy
We declare a subclass similar to a class in addition we specify the superclass using keyword: "extends". This is the idea to memorize: One subclass can extends a superclass like in this syntax pattern:
//define a demo standard class
public class ParentClass {
//define a subclass of ParentClass
public class ChildClass extends ParentClass {
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