PL/SQL syntax is inspired from Ada language and is not a curly braced language like C++ or Java. That makes PL/SQL code very readable. Though it is not a perfect language, it worth learning. We consider this language succesful and inspired. I believe it is a masterpiece.
Next example demonstrate two parts:
Package Specification.
create or replace package HelloWorld as
-- a function can return one result
function say_hello return varchar2;
-- a procedure perform an action
-- a procedure do not have results
procedure hello;
end HelloWorld;
Package Body
create or replace package body HelloWorld as
function say_hello return varchar2 is
return "Hello World";
end say_hello;
procedure hello is
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line("Hello World");
end HelloWorld;
Syntax Rules:
We learn a lot from the above example:
Syntax Rules:
The most interesting feature of PL/SQL is capability to compile embedded SQL in the package. This allow the package to be 100% compatible and related to database structure. If the database structure change the PL/SQL packages that are stored in the database become invalid and must be compiled again by a developer to become functional. An invalid package can't be executed. This is of enormous value avoiding any run-time errors that could be catastrophic.
The SQL in other computer languages is usually a string. This string must be send to a database for execution to know if is a correct SQL. To avoid any errors developers must create unit testing just to check if the SQL has a valid syntax. In PL/SQL we can use SQL Keywords to create statements.
Here are some ways to create embedded SQL statements:
Let's analyze an example:
-- cursor declaration
cursor c_persons is
select name, salary
from employees
where salary > 10000;
-- variable declaration
v_name varchar2(100);
v_salary number;
open c_persons;
fetch c_persons into v_name, v_salary;
exit when c_persons#notfound;
end loop;
close c_persons;
In this example we have new syntax elements:
It is tedious to explain and learn all the operators. So I have made two tables for a better understanding. PL/SQL has much in common with Ada for selecting the symbols. It uses one or two succesive characters to make an operator or punctuation symbol:
Oracle use simple character symbols almost like any other language. Some symbols are particular for PL/SQL. For example % is most of the time used as modulo operator but in PL/SQL is used to get attribute from some objects. The symbol ":" also has a special use to prefix a variable in dynamic SQL.
Symbol | Meaning |
+ | addition operator |
% | attribute indicator |
‘ | character string delimiter |
. | component selector |
/ | division operator |
( | expression or list delimiter |
) | expression or list delimiter |
: | host variable indicator |
, | item separator |
* | multiplication operator |
" | quoted identifier delimiter |
= | relational operator |
< | relational operator |
> | relational operator |
@ | remote access indicator |
; | statement terminator |
- | subtraction/negation operator |
PL/SQL uses two character characters together to represent next symbol.
Symbol | Meaning |
:= | assignment operator |
=> | association operator: used for named parameters |
|| | concatenation operator for strings |
** | exponentiation operator |
<< | label delimiter (begin) <<label>> |
>> | label delimiter (end) <<label>> |
/* | multi-line comment delimiter (begin) |
*/ | multi-line comment delimiter (end) |
.. | range operator ( |
<> | relational operator (divergence) |
!= | relational operator (divergence) |
~= | relational operator (divergence) |
^= | relational operator |
<= | relational operator: less then or equal to |
>= | relational operator: greater then or equal to |
-- | single-line comment indicator |
Next we enumerate some of the most significant PL/SQL keywords
Keyword | Meaning |
package | used to create a package specification and package body |
procedure | declare a procedure |
function | declare a function |
return | create exit point for procedures and function |
declare | start an anonymous block of code |
end | end a block of code |
as | used for declarations |
is | used for declarations |
loop | create an infinite loop |
when | create a loop exit point or used in exception region or case statement |
exit | break a loop and continue after the end (can be used with "when") |
continue | continue a loop from start |
exception | create an exception region into a block of code or declare an exception |
raise | create a user exception |
if | used to make a decision based on a condition |
then | used after condition to make a decision block |
else | used for decision block as alternative when condition is false or default case for case statement |
while | create a loop that execute as long as a condition is true |
type | declare a type |
record | declare a record type |
table | used to create in memory collection of values or records |
cursor | create or describe a cursor |
fetch | read current line into a cursor and progress to next step |
case | create a multi-condition decision in combination with "when", "then","else" |
object | used to create an object. Oracle is object oriented. |
select | used to create a query |
into | used to collect data into a variable from sql |
insert | used to create new records into a table |
update | used to update data into a table |
delete | used to remove data from a table |
commit | used to commit transactions |
rollback | used to undo modifications |
savepoint | used to create a point in time to rollback to |
parallel | used to create parallel query |
pragma | give additional hints to PL/SQL compiler for special purposes |
deterministic | give additional hints about a function to the compiler |
Congratulation! You have learned a lot already. Take a short break an continue with next page later. We will not go anyware.
Read next: Structure