Sage-Code Laboratory

Maj Verbs

All verbs are regular. Verbs are usually ending with "u" but not all words ending with "u" are verbs. Maj has an unusually large number of verbs. Many verbs are related to nouns and adjectives. The only difference is the last letter.


Maj is a regular language. Maj verbs do not change root with gender, time, number or use-case. We use suffixes to establish verb conjugation. Particles can be used after the verb as a suffix or independent as a word.


The most basic form of a verb, without any inflection or suffix is called infinitive form:
PresentoiMh joku oiI'm playing now
PastpaMh joku paI have played
FuturevaMh joku vaI will play
Conditional PresentraMh joku ra I would play
NegationnuNu mh jokuI do not play
Note: Verb conjugation is a little more complex than this but we need to present composite words before we continue with examples about verb conjugation. Read on ...


An action that does not happen or will happen only if specific conditions are met is a conditional mood of the verb. We use the "ra" particle to create a conditional mood.


The imperative mood is used to make a command or request to a second person or many other persons. To make imperative sentences, you must use a specific form of pronoun as a suffix to refer to the subject of action. This form of pronoun has only 2 letters.


This is a mood of verbs frequently used in Maj to express what is imagined or possible or necessary. We use the particle "sh" that is read /sə/ and is translated in English as "to".


There are two rules for a proposition to become a question. First is to use an interrogative particle or an auxiliary verb. Second is to end the proposition with a question mark (?)
Interrogative verbs:
Most explicit interrogative sentences start with the pronoun "moa". The root word "ker" can be used to create a family of interrogative words:

Interrogative particles:
Next words are interrogative particles or relative pronouns. We use these to create interrogative propositions or expressions. Most interrogative proposition will start with one of these words:
kythow muchkytehow many

Interrogative expressions:
Two words can create a new interrogation that may be covered with a single word in English. Maj enable complex questions using expressions similar to other Romance languages:
For affirmative responses we use three most significant words: Negative:
For negative response we use three most significant words: Examples:
A: In this example we demonstrate negative responses B: In this example we demonstrate a positive response

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