Sage-Code Laboratory

Maj Pronoun

Maj pronouns are versatile and easy to use. Maj is using 3 persons like all Romance languages. All pronouns are genderlesss. Maj is using different words for a female and male to compensate for lack of gender. When we reffer to abstract things there is a special particle that take the pronoun role.
Maj Pronouns

Regular Pronouns

Note:First, we need some new words for examples, then we learn the pronouns.


  • noma = name
  • kasa = house
  • baka = boat
  • bezu = own
  • geku = belong
  • kemu = to call
  • kibu = write
  • sonu = to be
  • digu = say
  • venu = to come
  • xaru = to have
  • emv = some
  • posu = be able/can
  • xai = let's
  • vi = how
  • uk = which

Case I: Nominative

Person Singular Plural
1 ia noi
2 ta voi
3 sa dhi


The word “lo” in Maj serves as a demonstrative pronoun, similar to "it" or “this” or “that” in English. It points to a specific thing or idea being discussed. Here are a few examples of how “lo” is used in Maj:


Case II: Accuzative

The acuzative is made using "fo", a logical particle that indicate for who or for what.


  • vedu = to see
  • fime = movies
  • macu = to walk
  • paju = to like
  • ciana = dog
  • dola = pain
  • teta = head
  • skuzo = excused
  • ogi = each or every
  • jora = day
  • gabu = hurry
  • voku = call
  • noge = legs
  • mosu = move
  • pe = on
  • sh = to

Case V: Reflexive

For reflexive we have two forms: nominative, acuzative. Observe that nominative form is not using two words but instead only one. This is how Maj enable efficient chat. By removing redundant pronouns.

a) Reflexive - Nominative

a) Reflexive - Accuzative

Case VI: Subjonctive

Case VII: Imperative

Read next: Preposition