These 3 words are related to counting. We can use them to announce there is a number, for example: noba una = number one. As you probably remember, last vowel: "a" is for noun, "o" is adjective and "u" is for verb.
Though there are only 10 digits, in table below we have 11 words. One is for number 10 that is created from two digits: 1 + 0. Let's learn how to count in Maj from 0 to 10:
On a list we can refer to the position of one element using ordinals. These are primitive numbers ending with "o". Ordinals require article "al" before the number. Ordinals represent a relative relation between elements:
# | Symbol | Numeral IPA | Romanian | English |
0 | nil | /nil/ | zero | zero |
1 | una | /una/ | unu | one |
2 | bie | /bie/ | doi | two |
3 | rie | /rie/ | trei | three |
4 | kai | /kai/ | patru | four |
5 | fei | /fei/ | cinci | five |
6 | sei | /sei/ | şase | six |
7 | cte | /ʃte/ | şapte | seven |
8 | oke | /oke/ | opt | eight |
9 | nae | /nae/ | nouă | nine |
10 | dis | /dis/ | zece | ten |
{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }
In many propositions we may refer to a repetitive action. In Maj we use word "re" that represents how many times an action or event occurs. We use short version of numbers for expressing repetitions. We use to replace the last missing letter from prefix.
For numbers > 10 we have a simple rule: use prefix "di" and create a composite word. It is very easy to remember. All numbers > 10 are words having 5 letters.
# | Symbol | Numeral IPA |
11 | diuna | /diuna/ |
12 | dibie | /dibie/ |
13 | direi | /direi/ |
14 | dikai | /dikai/ |
15 | difei | /difei/ |
16 | disei | /disei/ |
17 | dicte | /diʃte/ |
18 | dioke | /dioke/ |
19 | dinae | /dinae/ |
{ 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 }
For numbers > 20 we have a simple rule: use sufix "di" and create a composite word. It is very easy to remember. All numbers >= 20 are words having 5 letters.
# | Symbol | Numeral IPA |
10 | unadi | /unadi/ |
20 | biedi | /biedi/ |
30 | reidi | /reidi/ |
40 | kaidi | /kaidi/ |
50 | feidi | /feidi/ |
60 | seidi | /seidi/ |
70 | ctedi | /ʃtedi/ |
80 | okedi | /okedi/ |
90 | naedi | /naedi/ |
{10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 }
Larger numbers are more difficult. We have new words to represent these numbers.
# | Symbol | Numeral IPA |
100 | suta | /suta/ |
n00/td> | sute | /sute/ |
1000/td> | toza | /toza/ |
n000/td> | toze | /toze/ |
1,000,000/td> | mona | /mona/ |
n,000,000/td> | mone | /mone/ |
1,000,000,000/td> | bila | /bila/ |
n,000,000,000/td> | bile | /bile/ |
{hundreds, thousands, milions, bilions}
Now we can read any composite number that is not present in previous tables by using rules. Let's do some exercises then we will explain the rules. Let's start with numbers > 10 that have additional units:
{21, 53, 95}
First rule: Numbers > 20 that have additional units are connected using preposition: "ci" read as /ʃi/ = and. This word has rol of addition (+).
{421, 653, 895}
Second rule: For numbers > 100, the "ci" is not used between thoza and sute, but is andestood and is a mistake to use "ci" for large numbers except tha last digit (units):
{1653, 3421, 7895}
Read next: Maj Articles