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Maj Articles
Maj articles are very short words sometimes called "particles" used before nouns or pronouns. Articles may be of some use to improve understanding of the word that follow. Maj uses several kind of articles to establish the noun role in a sentance.
For Maj the indefinite form is using numeral "una" or "ego" for singular and "eme" for plural. This form of article is sometimes used as pronoun but most of the time the noun is specified. Next examples show several forms of indefinite articles.
- una kasa = a house
- ego kase = a single house
- eme kase = some houses
- ocy casa = any house
- ogi kasa = every house
In sentances:
- ia vedu una kasa = I see a house
- sa sonu ta kasa = It is your house
- ta vedu una baka = You see a boat
- sa sonu ma baka = It is my boat
Definite article
The definite article is very similar to other European language. Maj definite article must agree with the noun number. For singular use "la" and for plural use "le". Also notice, "la" is often preceded by: {"pe, ip, yn, er"} or some other prepositions.
- la kasa = the house
- le kase = the houses
- la baka = the boat
- le bake = the boats
In sentances:
- la mytsa sonu pe la kasa! = The cat is on the house!
- le mytse sonu ip la kasa! = The cats are at the house!
- la mytsa sonu yn la baka! = The cat is in the boat!
- le koike andu la ma neba! = The dogs are going to my neighbor!
Determinant article
The determinant article is establish more clearly the noun. It specify if the noun is close by or further away. Also determinant article specify if is one or many. Imagine gesture of pointing the things with your finger. This is the meaning of determinant article, to point out the things.
- eta = this
- ete = these
- ela = that
- ele = those
- ota = other
- ote = others
In sentances:
- le mytse sonu pe ela kasa! = The cats are on that house!
- eta mytsa sonu domo! = This cat is asleep!
- le bake sonu pe ela laka! = The boats are on that lake!
- ese bake sonu pe el laka! = Those boats are on the lake!
- le ote lake nu xaru bake! = The other lakes do not have boats!
- ea nu vedu ota baka! = I don't see other boat!
- ogi baka xaru akwa yn sa! = Every boat has water in it!
- ome bake sonu moxa! = All boats are wet!
The posesive article is used to express the relation between a particular object and a person that has it or owns it. The posesive article is often used in combination with pronoun or noun representing a person. There are two posesive articles: "al" for singular and "ale" for plural.
- eta beba sonu al ma = this drink is mine,
- eta moka sonu al ta = this is your food,
- ele bake sonu ale nos = that boats are ours,
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