Sage-Code Laboratory

Maj Alphabet

Maj has an alphabet derived from ISO Latin. It has 24 letters associated with 28 sounds. Maj has a balanced ratio between consonants and vowels 21/7 = 3. We avoid consonat clusters and we use simple word patterns to make Maj words easyer to pronounce.
UppercaseLowercase IPA PronounciationMaj Script


Maj Script

Maj script is created by reusing Unicode letters from numerous alphabets. Each letter is selected to be created from a single stroak. Maj script is used with a pen or a stylus using a coursive line.

Maj script letters have round portions, sharp angles and returns. You must learn where to start a letter and go ahead in a single direction until you finish the letter. Between letters you words there is a short distance. Between words, the distance is larger, to distinguish the letters.

Pronunciation guide

Maj pronunciation is based on deterministic rules. That means, pronounciation rules are the same in all words and do not depend on the word origin. In Maj you do no need to learn how to spell words. That is if you know Maj alphabet and reading rules then you can read any Maj word correctly even if you have never heared that word before.


Modified Letters:

  1. "h" is read /ə/ like "eo" in word "pigeon";
  2. "j" is read /ʒ/ like "su" in word "pleasure";
  3. "x" is read /h/ like "ho" in word "hollywood";
  4. "c" is read /ʃ/ like "sh" in word "sheep";


We have set-up some free tools to help you learn and practice the Maj writing system. 


Maj has 7 vowels: { a, e, i, o, u, h, y }:

Maj Vowels

Maj Vowels


Vowels are pronounced like in Italian and Romanian languages not like in English nor German:

Voice Recording

Listen and learn vouwel pronounciation in order:

{ a, e, i, o, u, y, h }

Letter "y":Is close central, un-rounded vowel. IPA symbol for this sound is actually /y/. This sound is very different than English sound "y". It is very similar to sound "i" in words "still" or "director". A similar sound is IPA:/ɨ/. Maj do not use this letter very often but it is present in some words given as examples: "myna" = hand and "zyna" = fairy.

Learn more: listening: y

Letter "h":In Maj this letter is very different from other languages. This letter is pronounced "ə" and is never silent. If it is present, it has to be read. Th original letter h is replaced by letter x or X. So then letter X si pronounced IPA: /h/.

Since on QUERTY KEYBOARD there is not letter "ə" we have decided to use "h" instead. We have inspired this decision from Greek where H is actually pronounced "i" but we think "ə" is necesary since we do have "i" that is good enaugh. Also there is no point to have a silent letters in Maj so "h" ould be wasted.

Learn more: listening: h


A diphthong is a new sound created with two vowels. Maj has numerous diphthongs. In the next table you can find all theoretica possible diphthongs: (42) in practice, some diphtongs will never be used due to difficult pronounciation.

Maj Diphtongs

Maj Diphtongs

Note: In maj some diphtongs are gliding. This technique may be difficult to learn and has no rule. This is the price we pay for elimination of the letter "w" that is the onlu glided case in English. In our defense, Maj is made for typing. Does not matter if your pronunciation is not perfect.

Tone and accent

Maj is designed for chat, so it has not tone. When can be read with a monotone voice by a robot. It is not wrong to use tone to improve the meaning of long statements, enumerations, queryes or exclamative sentances but this is unusual and characteristic to humans that have a native tonal language. Maj do not require use of any tonal or accent for speacking the words


Maj is using 21 consonants:

Maj Consonants

Maj Consonants


Most consonants are similar to IPA but some are different;

Voice recordings

Listen and learn consonant pronounciation, from b to l, in order:

{ b, c, d, f, g, j, k, l }

Listen and learn consonant pronounciation from m to n, in order.

{ m, n, p, r, s, t, v, x, z }


Digraphs are groups of 2 letters that are thigtly connected and become a new and distinctive sound. In fact we have created special script letters for these 3 sounds. In other languages one vowel and one consonant can make a digraph but in Maj digraphs are created using two consonants.


Tc tc /t͡ʃ]
Ts ts /t͡s] 𑄄
Dj dj /d͡ʒ]
Gn gn /ŋ]


Listen and learn digraphs pronounciation, in order.

{ tc, ts, dj, gn }


A clusters represents a group of two consonants. Maj is using cluster in many words using pattern: CCV or VCCV.


External References

For explaining the alphabet pronunciation we have used phonetic symbols:

Read next: Numerals