A process can do one or more jobs. Each job is a try block. Jobs are sequential. Any job can pass or fail. User can force a job to pass or fail. Also user can decide if process can continue with next job. When an exception is raised a process is interrupted.
In case of exception, the workflow jumps into recover region. If none of the cases is handling the error, the finalization region is executed and the process terminates. Errors can propagate to main process if they are not properly handled.
Jobs can be dependent. If first job fail, maybe does not make any sense to continue with next job. In recover region, user can detect what job is the current job that failed. So user can do different error handling for different job or group of jobs.
job ... try
Next design pattern show how to create several jobs in a process. Having a process with jobs will enhance your ability to crate robust code that can handle errors and prevent catastrophic defects.
# define process with jobs
process | initialize:
** local declarations
** preconditions (end prematurly the process)
** silent stop process and do not execute finalization or recovery
abort if condition;
** description of c1 job
job c1 try
done c1;
** description of c2 job
job c2 try
done c2;
** description of c3 job
job c3 try
done c3;
** other statements after jobs are succesfully executed
** post condition checks for the entire process
expect condition, "error message";
** decide what to do next in case of error
[exit] | [raise] | [panic];
** close resources or channels
** print debug messages
** report the errors (or not)
Notes:For this design pattern we have demonstrate a sequential process that is more likely used by an aspect. We think this process structure provides a robust framework for error handling and flow control. It allows for:
An aspect is executed using "run" command with aspect name and list of arguments. For one single argument, or no argument the parentheses are not required in the aspect call. For a list of arguments you should use parenthesis;
#these are all valid process calls
run aspect_name; -- call process without arguments
run aspect_name argument_value; -- call with single argument
run aspect_name (value, value, ...); -- call with a list of arguments
run aspect_name (param:value,...); -- call with a argument by name
run aspect_name (value, value, param:value); -- mix position with names
run aspect_name (value, *list_args); -- use spreading operator
run aspect_name (param:value, *map_args); -- mix names with hashmap
A process normal ends with keyword return. When aspect process is terminated, program execution will continue with the next statement in the main process. Interruption keywords (exit, over, panic) can be used to interrupt a process. The exit or raise trigger the finalization region while "over" and "panic" skip the finalization region.
# simple aspect with one parameter
aspect print_this(p:String):
print p;
# driver with parameters
driver process_call(*args ()String):
** number of arguments received:
new arg: String;
for arg in args loop;
run print_this(arg);
One aspect is executed from a driver. You can not execute an aspect from itself. Recursive aspects are not supported. The compiler will detect a recursive aspect and will fail at runtime.
Aspects can be executed in serial mode one after another. Let's consider we have 3 aspects: {one, two, three}. Main process can execute each aspect using keyword: "run" and can block the main process waiting for each aspect to finish. This will interrupt the driver main process and will execute aspect process one by one:
driver test_apply:
# synchronous call
** apply each aspect
run [folder/]aspect_one(arguments);
run [folder/]aspect_two(arguments);
run [folder/]aspect_three(arguments);
Note: You do not have to import an aspect into a driver but you must specify the relative path of the aspect. If the aspect is in a subfolder, you must include relative folder name. If the aspect is in the same location as the driver, you do not need a folder name.
You can create parallel processes using multiple aspects. Processes ca be executed on multi-core processors one for each core. Not all processes have same duration. You can wait in the driver for a group of process to finish.
Parallel System
Aspects can be executed asynchronously using a special block of code that can group aspects. The main process can execute group by group. Each group can have an optional name. Groups are sequential.
# asynchronous call demo
driver async_demo:
** main process is a series of sequential groups
begin group1:
** local variables for group1
run aspect1;
run aspect2;
join group1;
** group1 is now complete, group2 starts
begin group2:
** local variables for group2
run aspect3;
run aspect4;
join group2;
** Both groups are now complete
One driver can start same aspect multiple times with different parameters and compute different data sets. Next example show how to execute one aspect using a loop in a demo group. After the aspect start several times, the main process must wait for group demo to finish.
## create parallel processes
driver async_loop:
** enqueue same aspect 4 times
begin demo:
new i: Integer;
for i in (1..4) loop
run demo(i); -- start demo aspect asynchronously
join demo;
** all demo processes have finished
Note: Groups are bringing back the driver process in synchronous mode. That is good for error handling. If any process in the group propagate out an exception, the othe groups will not begin. THerefore a recovery region, can catch all errors in any sub-process.
An exception is an object that has methods. The EVE system defines several system variables and system objects used to handle exceptions. In Eve, all exceptions are considered errors. We can monitor jobs using a log and record exceptions in this log. Exceptions from one aspect process can propagate to the main process.
The "$error" is a variable of type Exception.Error that is created when an exception is raised. It alwais point to last error of a process. The system variable $trace contains several elements that are errors. These are filled in by the Eve program when an exception is raised. If an error is raised from a recover region it will propagate in the main process.
Error handling in Eve is done at the job level or process level. A process can be interrupted by a system exception or it can create user-defined exceptions. We use special keywords to signal an exception from inside a job: {raise, expect}.
The Exception module is not yet created. We have the intention to use Eve to create this module. Next is a prototype that explain the structure of future Exception module. It define class .Error that is public and several metods.
** system exception type
module Exception:
class .Error: {
code: Integer,
message: String,
module: String,
} <: Object;
class .Error = {code: Integer, message: String} => (@self :Error):
let self.code := code;
let self.message := message;
class Call = {line:String, method:String} => (@self:Call):
let self.line := line;
let self.method := method;
** system variables
set $error: Error; -- last error
** system objects;
set $stack: ()Call; -- list of calls
set $trace: ()Error; -- list of errors
** methods for Exceptions
method (@self:Error) .raise(...);
method (@self:Error) .expect(...);
method (@self:Error) .pass(...);
method (@self:Error) .fail(...);
Runtime errors can be system exceptions or user defined exceptions. System exceptions are predefined in the Exception package. Every system module can define system errors. User errors can be defined in project library.
Error instances are created during the process execution when a process can not continue. An error can be raised by application modules, aspects or drivers or by the system modules. Developer can create errors. These are called "runtime errors" because they are not "syntax errors".
There are two alternative statements to create user defined exceptions: {raise, expect}. These are public/static routines defined in Exception module. You can raise exception from jobs, routines, methods and functions.
** system exception
raise $ExceptionType("message");
** user-defined exception
raise (code,"message") if condition;
The "expect" statement can check a condition and raise an error if condition is false. Error message is default: "Unexpected error in line: N". Optional you can define a custom message.
** runtime expectations
expect condition1;
expect condition2, "user defined message";
Jobs can handle exceptions. Jobs can be used in routines, methods, functions or processes. This enable developers to create robust code and handle the errors immediatly, close to the point where they are created. If exceptions/errors are not handled in jobs, they propagate automaticly to the process.
The recover region define an "exception handling region" for a processes. Recover region is a optional/backup. If this region do not exist in a process, all exceptions propagate into the main process. If the driver main process to not have a recover region, exception can stop/crash the application.
In recover region developer can decide using the control statements and $error system variable what to do next. He can abort the program, print a message, raise anothe error, propagate current error or silently exit the process. Aspect processes should handle as much as possible to keep the concerns local. Main process can handle the general case just in case but can also just not have a recover or finalize region.
#using recover
driver recover_demo:
set a = 0.00;
let a := 1/0;
print $error.message;
error: numeric division by zero.
The finalize region is optional. It will be executed for almost all cases with the exception of {abort | over}. The {exit, raise, expect} will cause process intreruption but will execute the fialization region before control is given back to parent process.
In finalization region developer can close resources, tear down data of test cases, archive the logs, send signals, prepare output parameters or just print debug messages. Whatever is required after all code is execute just before process termination.
Read next: Eve Algorithms