Sage-Code Laboratory

Eve Control Flow

Most languages have similar flow control statements. These are block statements that can execute or no depending on one or more conditions. A control flow statement can be a decision statement a repetitive statement or a selection statement.

Page bookmarks

0job error management block
1if conditional expression
2else decision block
3ladder conditional selector
3match value based selector
4loop unconditional repetition
5while conditional repetition
6for range controlled repetition

The job

Job block is one of most powerful Eve feature. It enable creation of protected blocks that can handle exceptions. This block can be used in processes, routines, functions or methods to avoid runtime errors.

Syntax pattern

**job description or notes 
  job job_name try
    ** some job statements or test use-case
    raise "error" if condition; -- intrerupt job with error
    break if condition; -- intrerupt job without error
  catch error1:
    ** handle error
  catch error2:
    ** handle error
  catch other:
    ** handle all errors
    ** close resources, tear-down test cases, other things
    let job_name.status = "pass" if condition; -- job status 
  done [name]; -- you can't use if after done

Notes:Job statement also use keywords: {raise, catch, other, break and done}, but it can use also: {expect, exit, over, panic} to intrerupt a program prematurly. A job can fail but the program will continue with next job if failure is handled properly. A job status is recorded for reporting. Job status is handled automaticly by the system. If a job raise an error, automaticly is considered failed.

Job block is similar with try block in java, except it does not have a final clause instead we use "resolve" that is more relevant for purpose of a job. A job can be rezolved in a flexible way. The most common is to set-up job "status". A job is an object in Eve, so the job has methods and properties. We reffer to current job by it's name.


Keyword "if" establish a conditional statement. Also it can be used in expressions. A conditional statement can be a simple statement or a block statement. You can also use "if" after a simple statement or before a block statement.

Code pattern

This is syntax for a simple statement with conditional execution. It enable or prevent a statement to be executed.

# conditioned statement
statement if boolean_variable;
statement if boolean_expression;


Next examples show how we can use conditional to print something when expression is fulfilled.

# conditional print
print "a is even" if (a % 2  = 0);
print "a is odd"  if (a % 2 != 0);

>Note: The "if" is restricted for some statements. It can't be used after expect, done or next, but it can be used sometimes after "repeat" to terminate a loop. We will explain syntax for each block statement.

Decision block

In next pattern we use "if/else" keywords to create a decision branch/fork.


decision diagram

# dual path decision
if expression then
  ** true branch
  ** false branch
done; -- you can't use if after done


  1. The if block dont have a name;
  2. The if block dont have a local scope;
  3. The if block if closed with "done;";
  4. The else branch is optionall;


A ladder is a conditional multi-path selector based on exclusive conditions. Only one branch is executed. If no condition is satisfied the alternative branch is executed. Alternative branch is optional.


decision ladder


#selection ladder
if condition_1 then
  ** first branch
else if condition_2 then
  ** second branch
else if condition_3 then
  ** third branch
  ** alternative branch
done; -- you can't use if after done

Notes: Previous pattern show a complex situation having several conditions in cascade. Cases should be exclusive and most probable case should be evaluated first. Last block, after else is optional. Also, the local scope is optional.

Match Selector

This is a multi-path selector similar to switch also named: jump table. It two variants: "all" or "one". That is optional keyword. If used, ALL will evaluate all values it may be matching multiple cases. If "one" is used (this is the default), only first case that has a matching value will be executed and the rest are ignored, even if a second match exist. The second match should not be present though and is probably a mistake!


Match Diagram


# Define a selector variable
class Type = {V1, V2, V3, V4} <: Ordinal;
  new s := V1; 

  ** create match selector
  match s [all | one] [Type]:
    ** declare locals
  when V1 then
    ** first path
  when V1, V2 then
    ** second path
  when [any | other] then
    ** V3 or V4 found
  done; -- you can't use if after done


The compiler will generate a warning message if not all cases are covered when you do not create the default block. It may be an error but not necesarly. Is better to have information to prevent wrong doing.

Unconditional Loop

This is a repetitive block statement. The loop is executed until a "stop" statement is encounter. The stop can be conditioned by "if" or "match". This is called an "interruption". You can use keyword "skip" with conditional "if" to restart the loop early. This is called a "shortcut" statement.


infinite loop


#infinite loop
cycle [label]:
  ** declare control variable
  ** loop shortcut
  skip [label] [if condition];
  ** early interruption
  stop [label] [if condition];
repeat [label] [if condition];


While Loop

Execute a block of code as long as one condition is true. When the condition become false the repetitive block ends. If the condition is never true only the "else" block is executed. If the condition was true for a while, the else block is not executed.


while loop


#conditional loop
cycle [label]:
  ** declare control variables
while condition loop
  ** shortcut iteration
  skip if condition;
  ** early interruption
  stop if condition;
  ** alternative path
repeat [label]; -- you can't use "if" here


/** This driver demonstrate
    how to visit members of a List */
driver while_demo:
**  create a shared list
    set this := ("a","b","c","d","e");
  ** start unlabeled cycle
    ** volatile variables
    new i := 0 : Integer; 
    new e : Symbol;       
  while i < this.length() loop
    let e := this[i];
    let i += 1;
    if e  >= "c" then
        write e;
        write ',' if e is not this.tail;
    panic; -- in canse of length() == 0
  ** flush the write buffer
  print; -- "c","d","e"


i = 5

For Loop

This statement use one control variables to visit elements in a collection or domain. First use-case of this is to iterate over a range of numbers. In Eve the range is represented as (min..nax).


for ... loop


#for loop syntax
cycle [label]:
    new var := 0;
for var in (min..max) loop
    ** block statements;
    ** next iteration
    next if condition;
    ** early interruption
    stop if condition;
repeat [label]; -- you can't use "if" here


Example of range iteration using step ratio 2:

#example of range iteration
    new i :Integer;
for i in (1..10:2) loop
    ** write only odd numbers
    write i;
    write ',' if (i < 9);




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