Next picture show you the features of a Class. As you can see a Class has a name, properties and methods. In this picture we show you an example of a class called: Account with two properties act_number, act_type and 4 methods.
Class Anatomy
Next syntax pattern is the most common. A class is by default derived from Object class, you do not have to specify this in class definition. A class can have a constructor that has the same name as the class. Class name start with uppercase so the constructor start also with uppercase.
//define a class
class ClassName {
//definition of fields (attributes/properties)
type this.field1;
//define eventual setters+getters
// define constructor (having same name as the class)
ClassName(type param1, type param2, ...) {
this.field1 = param1;
// define other functions,
type functionName(params) {
Next example is here for you to jump ahead into study. The same example is available in Java tutorial. If you are a java developer, you can open:java class in a new window and compare the two examples. If you do not know Java you can just study the example below:
/* define a class */
class Account {
// class public properties
int act_number;
String act_type;
// class internal field
int _act_amount = 0;
//class constructor (same name ass class)
Account(int p_number, String p_type) {
this.act_number = p_number;
this.act_type = p_type;
//fists class methods
int withdraw(int p_amount) {
int result;
if (_act_amount > p_amount) {
this._act_amount -= p_amount;
result = p_amount;
} else {
result = p_amount = this._act_amount;
this._act_amount = 0;
return result;
//second method
void deposit(int p_amount) {
this._act_amount += p_amount;
//third method
int closure() {
int result = this._act_amount;
this._act_amount = 0;
return result;
//supplementary method
int get amount {
return this._act_amount;
} //end of class
void main() {
//create an instance of Account
Account myCheckAccount = new Account(2021,"checking");
//verify the account number
print("New account: ${myCheckAccount.act_number}");
//deposit some money
print("Deposit 100");
print("Account amount is:${myCheckAccount.amount}");
//withdraw some money
print("Withdraw 10");
//verify the amount left
print("Account amount is:${myCheckAccount.amount}");
We have used Account class to create a new account object, then deposit 100 and then withdraw 10. The final amount is going to be 90. You can run this example on-line and check the output: dart-account
Homework: In the previous examples, add a new test for closing the account with method: closure(). No, this is not a closure function but a function that close the account. Of course we should have made a _status field but we don't have it. So maybe you can add a new field to. Relax and have some fun messing with the code!
To be continued: There is so much more to talk about classes but for now this is all you need to go ahead with the study. I will continue next with collections, that are actually classes. So you will learn more on the go. Later I may add some details about Classes.
Read next: Collections