If you have the bandwidth, you can watch the next video that explain C# usability and introduce you to free learning and certification program. Provided by free code-camp in collaboration with Microsoft learning platform.
For learning C# there are numerous resources on the Internet. We have provided links to these resources. Also you can join Discord and have 101 mentoring session. If this is your first language, we teach you C# for free. If this is a second language you learn from us, we charge you a small fee. But, if you can learn alone there is no need to pay anything, just follow the links and learn for free in your own pace.
For learning C# we use our favorite website. That can run almost any language, for free. I prefer to use this website to store examples for your training. You do not need to install a C# compiler on your computer. You can log-in using your personal GitHub account and you can create new examples.
C# language has free documentation provided by Microsoft and free courses you can follow. We have cover only the fundamentals in our tutorial. We advice you to study more C# using these resources:
Blog Series: C#-Fundamentals