Sage-Code Laboratory

Bee Syntax

Bee is not a curly bracket language. Its syntax is inspired from Ada, Ruby, Fortran and Julia. We have created an imperative programming language with original front-end.

Page bookmarks:

Next we enumerate the fundamental concepts to grasp Bee syntax. After this overview we will go in details. We use long pages you can scroll. Here are the main topics for this page:


We use examples and sometimes a simplified version of BNF notation to explain the syntax rules. If you do not know anything about BNF don't wary, here is a short introduction to this weird notation:


Comments are very important part of Bee code. We have multiple conventions for making good comments for any project. Bee comments are tailored by architectural principle: "if there are no comments in the code the code is wrong."


In next example we are using various comments into a demo program.

| At the beginning of program you can have  several comments,     |
| to explain how the program works. This notation is preferred.   |
rule main:
  continue; -- this statement does nothing

  ** this is a single line comment
  print ("end of line comments",    -- first argument
         "can be used to explain",  -- second argument
         "diverse arguments"        -- third argument
** This is the old style boxed comment, used for matrix printers **
** In Bee you can add comments/notes at the end of your code     **

Title comment

For single line title comments we use one "#" symbol. This can be used in combination with "!" to create "shebang" comment known in scripting languages on Linux to specify interpreter location. You can use two "##" for subtitles for large code sections.

Single line

For single line comments we use two stars like this: "**";

End of line

Before new line of code: (EOL) you can use comments starting with: "-- "

Box comment

Bee has a specific notation for block comments not used in any other language so far. It is a multi-line comment starting with "+-" and end with "-+". The upper right corner is missing. I guess you will notice this defect later. However you can use old-style C comments.


Bee Keywords

Bee is an expressive language but it's core has about 72 reserved keywords so far:

begin alias and apply abort
other case continuedone default
if is do else exit
fail final miss panic like
load next job match over
print pass void rule return
fail retry none scrap type
read trial stop yield xor
write wait when or with
hide new cycle let set
while for resum put pop
raise not as in start
try expect


Semantic keywords

Keyword Purpose
if conditional executor for one statement block
is query element or variable data type
as create alias for used modules
or alternative for ladder decision
in alternative for belong operation
and alternative for cascade decision
xor alternative for logic operation
not alternative for logic operation


Statements can start with imperative keyword or a declarative keyword:


set create a constant
new create a variable
let modify a variable
type create a data type
read accept input from console into a variable
write register in console cash a string
print output to console with end of new line


Code blocks

Statements can be contained in blocks of code.

Keyword Block description
start start local scope for do block
with qualifier suppression block
if first block in decision statement
cycle repetitive or iterative blocks
match multi-path value selector block
trial exception handler block


Definition statements

Next statements are used to declare new elements in a module.

Keyword Purpose
use Load module or module
alias Eliminate scope qualifier
hide Hiding public members from a loaded module
rule Create a new business rule or prototype
return End rule declaration and transfer control to caller

Execution statements

Next keywords are simple statements. These represents actions called imperative statements.

Keyword Purpose
apply Execute a rule and ignore the result if there is one
begin Commence execution of a coroutine
wait Suspend current thread execution for a number of seconds
read Flush the console buffer and accept user input from console
write Add something to console buffer but no new line
print Output expression result, variable or constant to console
let Mutate variable value using an expression
scrap Remove one element from its collection

Control statements

Control statements are used to create local blocks of code that resolve a small task synchronously. After task is finished the control is returned to the main thread.

Keyword Purpose
start Create non repetitive local scope
if Start a conditional branch
else Start an alternative branch
do Start a block of code
cycle Create repetitive local scope
for Create finite iterative block
while Create conditional repetitive block
match Value multi-path search selector
when Create node for match statement
other Default branch for match statement
trial Start declaration region for a protected block of code
try Begin the executable region in a trial statement
case Associated with trial to resolve specific errors
miss Default trial block, executed when there is no case
final Associated with trial to finalize the trial block

Transfer statements

These statements execute a jump or make an interruption of current thread.

Keyword Purpose
panic Create unrecoverable error code and stop current program
over Silent termination of program. No error is raised in this case.
exit Silently stop execution of current rule and return to the caller
yield Suspend one coroutine and give control to another routine
rest Suspend a routine and wait for all threads created by the routine to finish
stop Interrupt execution for current cycle and continue after the cycle,
redo Continue current cycle from the beginning making a shortcut,
next Continue current iteration from the beginning making a shortcut,
abort stop early a trial block
fail Create error message and continue with next step
pass Skip the rest and continue with next step
expect Does nothing if condition is true, otherwise create an $unexpected exception
raise Intrerupt a try job or trial and issue an error
retry Repeat a trial block from the begioning
resume Mark error as handled and continue trial
done end a block statement
repeat end a repetitive block


Bee identifiers can start with dolar ($), dot (.), underscore (_), Latin, Greek, Chyrillic. An identifier can contain numbers but can not start with a number.

Unicode letters:

In mathematics is very popular notation for angles to use Greek letters. We support in Bee a limited number of Greek an Cyrillic letters for identifiers:

Σ Π Δ Ξ Γ Ψ Ω ζ
α β ɣ λ π μ φ ε δ η σ ω
Б Г Д Ж И Л Ф Ц Ч Ш Э Я 


You can use a limited number of letters and numbers available in Unicode as subscript to make identifier names. You can not start an identifier with one of these symbols and you can't add other symbols that are not subscript after a subscript:

x₀ x₁ x₂ x₃ x₄ x₅ x₆ x₇ x₈ x₉ x₁₀
yₐ yₑ yₕ yᵢ yⱼ yₖ yₗ yₘ yₙ yₒ yₚ yᵣ yₛ yₜ yᵤ yᵥ yₓ


Bee has support for exponent using superscript. You can make any integer exponent including negative numbers but you can not use dot or fraction in the exponent.

x⁺ x⁻ x¹ x² x³ x⁴ x⁵ x⁶ x⁷ x⁸ x⁹ x¹⁰

Note: Symbol (^) is exponent operator and is not required when you use superscript exponent. You can use it with expressions, constants or rational numbers to resolve the exceptional cases.

Lowercase exponent:

Identifiers that start with a lowercase Latin letter can be used as exponent. The superscript variable can start with a letter and can also use numbers.

yᵃ yᵇ yᶜ yᵈ yᵉ yᶠ yᵍ yʰ yⁱ yʲ yᵏ yᶩ 
yᵐ yⁿ yᵒ yᵖ yʳ yˢ yᵗ yᵘ yᵛ yʷ yˣ yʸ yᶻ

Uppercase exponent:

If you define a constant or variable that start with capital letter there may be some issues. You can't use all Latin letters or any Greek or Cyrilic capital letters in exponent. So your options are limited to create uppercase exponents.

zᴬ zᴮ zᴰ zᴱ zᴲ zᴳ zᵸ zᴵ zᴶ zᴷ zᴸ 
zᴹ zᴺ zᴻ zᴼ zᴾ zᴿ zᵀ zᵁ zᵂ

Caution: Observe letters: {C, F ,S ,Q} are missing. So if you define a constant that use any of these letters, you will need symbol (^) to create exponent.

Variable declarations

In Bee, all variables must be declared using an imperative statement. Variables can be dynamic or static and can have a data type. Data type can be custom or pre-defined.

type declare custom data type
new declare a dynamic variable
set declare a static variable


Expressions are created using identifiers, operators, rules and constant literals. Expressions can be anonymous or can be assigned to identifiers to create lambda expressions.

expressions ...


** expressions
print 10
print 10 + 10 + 15
print "this is a test"

** complex expressions
print (10 > 5) ∨ (2 < 3)
print -b + sqr(b² - 4·a·b)/(2·a)

** enumeration of expressions
print (1,2,3)
print (1,',',2,',',3)

Conditional Execution

A condition is a logic expression used to control statement execution. For this we use {"if", "else"} keywords at end of statements.

** conditional statement execution
statement if condition;

Note: Previous statement is executed only if the condition is True.

** alternative statement 
  expect condition else statement;

** alternative expression
  expect condition else expression;

Note: Previous statement is executed only if the condition is False.


  1. Can not use "if" with set statement;
  2. Can not use "if" with new statement;
  3. Can not use "if" after done;


rule main:
  ** generate a random number
  new a := random(Z);

  ** conditional execution
  new b := a;
  let b := -a if a < 0;

  ** print result
  print "|b| = ", a;


Bee has support for fractions. Bee is using regular slash "/" for all fractions. You can use superscript for left and subscript for right: These two are equivalent (1/2 = ¹/₂). Unfortunately we can not support fractional power due to lower readability.

¹/₂ ¹/₃ ¹/₄ ¹/₅ ¹/₆ ¹/₇ ¹/₈ ¹/₉  ¹/₁₀ ¹/₁₀₀
x⁻¹ = 1/x, x⁻² = 1/x², x⁻³ = 1/x³ ...

Power operations have priority but we have support only for (+, -) no other operations are possible in exponent. In next expressions, (n-1) is done first before making the power operation.

-- equivalent notation
xⁿ⁻¹ = x^(n-1)
xˣ⁺¹ = x^(n+1)

-- equivalent  notation
x^(¹/₂) = √2(x)  
x^(¹/₃) = √3(x) 

Note:In expressions above () symbols are mandatory. The compiler will detect missing paranthesis and will ask for it. This will improve code readability and eliminate confusions.

Pattern Matching

Instead of ternary operator we use conditional expressions. Conditional expressions enable many choices unlike ternary operator that enable only 2 choices. Conditional expressions are also known as pattern matching expressions.


rule main:
  ** define a local variable
  new var ∈ type;

  ** single condition matching
  let var := (xp1 if cnd1 else xp);

  ** multiple matching with default value
  let var := (xp1 if cnd1, xp2 if cnd2,..., xp);

  ** alternative code alignment
  let var := ( xp1 if cnd1 else
               xp2 if con2 else
               xp3 if cnd3 else


rule main:
   new x := '0'; -- symbol
   write "x:"
   read   x;

   new kind := ("digit"  if x ∈ ['0'..'9'] else
                "letter" if x ∈ ['a'..'z'] else

   print ("x is " + kind); -- expect: "x is digit"


Bee operators are ASCII or Unicode symbols. One operator can be created using one or two characters. This is why Bee language is considered experimental, esoteric & disruptive.


Symbol Description
+-...-+ Multi-line boxed comments
#(....) String interpolation (placeholder) for operator "?"
(_,_,_) Expression | List literal
[_,_,_] Index | Array literals | Parameterize types
{_,_,_} Enumeration type | Set of values | Hash map


symbol description
`x` Back quoted string: regular expression.
'x' Single quoted string literal or ASCII code point
"y" Double quoted string literal or UTF32 code point

Single Symbols

symbol description
! Negation symbol for relations | Excluded from domain
? Template modifier. Associated with string templates
* String replication | Varargs prefix | Spread operator | Many something
@ Domain name | Example
$ System constant | Environment variables
& String concatenation | number concatenation
# Title | String interpolation
Define variable/constant/result/parameter type
_ Anonymous variable | Constant value = one space (_ = ' ')
+ Maximum upper limit for a domain | Unicode notation U+
- Minimum lower limit in a domain | Unicode notation U-
: Start a block or define something
: Pair-up key-value in: objects, rule parameters, rule arguments, hash-map pairs
; End of statement | Statement separator
. Decimals for real numbers | Path string concatenation
. Membership dot notation | Prefix for public member/attribute
, Enumeration of elements | expressions
| Declarative collection builder: set := { x*2 | x ∈ (0..3)}
\ Escape character ( \n := New Line), ( \" = Double Quotes)

Numeric operators

Listed in the order of precedence top down.

symbol description
- Change sign, replace "y = -x" with "y = -1*x"
/ Rational number division
^ Power symbol used with fractions or expressions
Radical: x√n is equivalent to x^(1/n)
* Multiplication alternative
\ Rational number division
/ Real number division
× Array multiplication | Matrix multiplication
% Modulo operator 5 % 2 = 2
+ Numeric addition | List append | Matrix addition
- Numeric subtraction | Collection difference
± Numeric tolerance (use with ≈)

Double Symbols

Double symbols is a group of two ASCII symbols considered as one. Some of these symbols have an Unicode equivalent, some do not. When available, Unicode equivalent is preferred choice.

symbol description
-- End of line comments (not in expression)
## Single line subtitle comments (no indentation)
** Single line comments (allow indentation)
.. Define range/domain/slice (n..m) | [n..m]
.! Define range/domain with excluded limit (n.!m) | [n.!m]
!. Define range/domain with excluded limit (n!.m) | [n.!m]
!! Define range/domain with excluded limits: (n!!m) | [n.!m]
-. Minus infinite domain: instead of [-∞..0] write: [-..0]
.+ Plus infinite domain: instead of [0..+∞] write: [0..+]
=> Define: rule expression | rule result
<- Define and generate values in a loop from range or set
<: Define subset from set | Specify super-type for a new type
:> Data cast pipeline operator / Type conversion
<< Shift values of collection to right by removing first elements
>> Shift values of collection to left by removing first elements
:: Deep copy | Clone operator
++ Extend an array with one or more elements
-= Find and delete one element, from a collection
+= Append an element in a set or a map but not in a list
+> Append element to beginning of a list
<+ Append element to end of a list
== Relation operator for identical (the same)
!= Relation operator not identical (not the same)
~= Relation operator: regular expression match
>= Relation operator: greater then or equal to
<= Relation operator: less then or equal to


Each modifier is created with pattern "x=" where x is a single symbol:

symbol meaning
:= Modify | (value | reference)
+= Increment value
-= Decrement value
*= Multiplication modifier
/= Real division modifier
^= Power modifier
√= Radical modifier
%= Modulo modifier

Relation Operators

Relation operators are used to compare expressions.

symbol meaning
check if element belong to collection
= equal { compare values or attributes}
different { compare values or attributes}
equivalent | { compare values / convert type }
approximating equal numbers, used with ± like: (x ≈ 4 ± 0.25)
> value is greater than: (2 > 1)
< value is less than: (1 < 2)
greater than or equal to
less than or equal to
÷ Exact divisor: 3 &division; 15 ≡ True


Operator: "!" can be used in combination with other operators:

 x != y; -- equivalent to: ¬(x = y)
 x !≡ y; -- equivalent to: ¬(x ≡ y)
 x !∈ y; -- equivalent to: ¬(x ∈ y)
 x !≈ y; -- equivalent to: ¬(x ≈ y)
 x !~ y; -- equivalent to: ¬(x ~ y)

Collection operators

symbol result meaning
Set Intersection between two collections
Set Union between two collections
Logic Set is included in superset: "⊂"
Logic Set contain subset: "⊃"
Δ Set Set symmetric difference
+ String Concatenation between two strings
+ List Concatenation between two lists
+ Array Concatenation between two arrays
Element All: used in collection qualification
Logic One: used in collection qualification

Logic Operators

Bee is using enumeration symbols: True = 1 and False = 0

symbol meaning notes
¬ NOT unary operator
AND shortcut operator
OR shortcut operator
XOR exclusive OR
NOR p ↓ q = ¬ (p ∨ q)
NAND p ↑ q = ¬ (p ∧ q)

The table of truth

p q ¬ p p ⊕ q p ∧ q p ∨ q
1 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 0 0

Bitwise operators

Bitwise operators are processing numbers not Boolean values.

symbol meaning notes
« bit SHIFTL shift bits to left
» bit SHIFTR shift bits to right
~ bit NOT negate all bits
& bit AND execute AND between each bits
| bit OR execute OR between each bits
bit XOR execute XOR between each bits

Arity = 1

a ~ a a « 1 a » 2

Arity = 2

aba & ba | ba ⊕ b

String operators

*string pattern repetition (right operator must be numeric)
/concatenate url or path using / not depending on OS
+concatenate two strings as they are preserving trial spaces.
-concatenate two strings and trim spaces to a single space.
.concatenate strings with "/" on Linux or "\" on Windows.
?string format operator, replace "#" with number.

Read next: Structure