Sage-Code Laboratory

Control Flow

Control flow statements are used to modify the linear program workflow. In Bee each control statement start with a different keyword, and ends with one of: done or cycle . Control flow statements are unnamed blocks of code.

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These are all block statements in Bee language:

Name Description
start named block
with anonymous block
if-else decision fork
ladder decision ladder
cycle repetitive unconditional block
for repetitive block with local scope
match enumerable symbol selector
trial exception handler block


We use ocasionaly a block of code that has a local scope by using "start" keyword follow by a label. The label is optional and can be numeric or alphanumeric.


In this example we use "start" to create a local scope and a new variable (a) inside this scope. Then we use nested do statement and we end with "done" keyword follow by optional label.

start [label]:
  ** local variables
  ** executable block
done [label];


Start a "qualifier suppression block". This is a block that eliminate the need for qualifiers into an anonymous local scope. You can use "with" to suppress module names or aliases.


For this example first we create a simple module:

#define test_module
rule .inc(x:0) => (r: 0):
  let r := x + 1;

We load a secondary module and use a qualifier for it:

#using qualifier suppressor
use lib_folder/test_module as test;

rule main:
  ** define locals
  new x := 2;
  with test do
    ** call external routine .test
    expect x == 3;
    print inc(x);



Using "if" and "do" keywords you can create a task that is executed or not depending of a condition. When the condition is false the block statement is ignored and next statement is executed. This statement is sometimes called fork.

Pattern 1: conditional branch

Using "if" keyword we can create a conditional branch:

# decision
if condition do
  ** statements


In this example we use "begin" to create a local scope and a new variable (a) inside this scope. Then we use nested anonymous if statement.

# fragment
start test:
  new a := random();
if a < 0 do
  print ("|a| =", a);
  print ("|a| =", -a);
done test;

Pattern 2: two-ways conditional

By using "else" keyword we can split the conditional branch into two branches:


decision diagram

# decision with two branches
if condition do
  ** true branch
  ** false branch

Decision Ladder

By using keywords "if" and "else" you can create a cascade of decisions called "decision ladder" that has several conditional branches plus one optional branch that is executed when no other condition is fulfilled.


decision ladder


#decision ladder
start test:
  ** local scope
  new a ∈ Z; -- control variable
  read("a = ", a);   -- expressions in declaration area
if a = 0 do        -- first decision
  print "a = 0";
else if a > 0 do  -- second decision
  print "a > 0";
else if a < 0 do  -- third decision
  print "a < 1";
  ** default block
  print "unexpected:" + a;
done test;


You can use "cycle" to start a repetitive block. This keyword is used before local declaration and can create a labeled cycle. "do" will repeat all statements in the block until a condition ends the cycle. If no condition exists, the cycle is infinite.

Pattern 1: Infinite cycle

Next example show a repetitive "do" block that runs forever. It is not very practical but will be terminated when reaches maxim limit of iteration establish by $iteration variable.


infinite cycle

#infinite cycle
cycle [label]:
  ** local variables
  ** repetitive block
repeat [label];

Pattern 2: stop condition

Next block will execute multiple times until stop condition is true.

run cycle

stop condition

#conditional run cycle
  ** local variables
  ** repetitive block
  [redo if condition1];
  [stop if condition2];
repeat [if condition3];

Pattern 3: while condition

Keyword "while" can be used to evaluate a condition and start or continue a repetitive block. The number of repetitions is controlled by condition. If the start condition is not fulfilled the else block is executed. When "else" block is ending the cycle normally stops unless "redo" is used to restart the cycle.

start cycle

start-condition cycle

#conditional start cycle
cycle [label]:
    ** define local variables
while start_condition do
    ** first repetitive block
    [stop if condition]; -- break the cycle
    [redo if condition]; -- restart the cycle
    ** non repetitive block
repeat [label];

Note 1: The else block runs one single time, that is when the condition evaluate to false. Otherwise if we repeat the cycle for "else" block we can end-up with infinite loop that is absurd.

Note 2: Keyword: "stop" is similar to "break" in Java and "redo" similar to "continue". These are optional interruption statements. Occasional you can use these statements to improve code performance or readability.

Pattern 3: nested cycles

Next syntax pattern show how to use a nested cycles with labels.

# nested blocks
cycle 42:
    ** local variables
    cycle 10: do
        redo 42 if condition1; -- restart block 42
        stop 42 if condition2; -- exit block 42
    repeat if condition3;
repeat 42;



You can start an iterative cycle by using keyword "for". This statement create a cycle that is controlled by a set of values. We use a control variable generated from a domain or visit elements of a collection.

for cycle

for cycle

#iterative cycle
cycle [label]:
  ** local variables
  new i ∈ N;
for ∀ i ∈ (min..max:rate) do
  ** repetitive block
  [next if condition]; -- fast forward
  [stop if condition]; -- early transfer
  ** non repetitive block
repeat [label];


Example 1:

#range iteration with rate 1
  new i ∈ N;
for ∀ i ∈ (1..10) do
  if i % 2 = 0 do
    next;    -- iterate
    write i; -- odd numbers
  write ',' if (i < 10);

Example 2:

Ratio: Using domain ratio the example above can be simplified:

#range iteration with rate 2
    new i ∈ N;
for ∀ i ∈ (1..9:2) do
    write(i); -- odd numbers
    write(',') if (i < 9);



This is a multi-path selector similar to so called jump table. A selector is based on a series of blocks. One or more blocks can be executed depending on specific value. In other languages a selector is created using "switch" statement. In Bee we use "match" statement instead.

A match has two variants: "all" or "one". If used, ALL will evaluate all values it may execute multiple blocks. If "one" is used, only first block that match value will be executed!


Match Diagram


#enumerable selector
type Selector: {v1,v2,v3,v4} <: E;

rule main:
  new select := Selector.random()
  match select [all] | [one]:
    ** declare locals
  when v1 do
    ** first path
  when v1, v2 do
    ** second path
    ** v3 or v4 found


The trial is by far the most complex statement of Bee language. A trial block is used to handle a process that can have multiple steps that can pass or fail. It has a default block, several try blocks and multiple case blocks. Each case can resolve one error or several errors.


Trial Diagram



Next keywords are used to create a full trial block:

trialstart a process that may fail
trystart a step in the process
case catch errors with specific code or code range
othercatch all other errors not fixed by a patch
finalfinalization region, executed before trial end


#complex trial with many cases
trial [label]:
    ** initial or default statements
    ** preconditions: create recoverable error
    expect condition else "message";
try [code1]: -- description
    ** jump to next try (no error)
    pass if condition;
    ** record error, and jump to next try
    fail {code, message} if condition;
    ** create error, and jump to cases
    raise {code, message} if condition;
try [code2]: -- description
    ** skip the rest (no error) and jump to final
    pass if condition;
    ** optional create error and jump to final
    fail {code, message} if condition;
    ** create error and jump to cases
    raise {code, message} if condition;
case $error.code = code do
    ** handler1
    resume; -- continue witj next try
case $error.code ∈ (code1,code2) do
    ** handler2
    retry; -- repeat trial from beginning
    ** cover all other errors
    raise; -- propagate last error
    ** finalization statement (executed before leaving)
    print "final error:" + $error.code if $error.code > 0;
done [label];



Exceptions can be defined in your program using next notation. Exceptions and recoverable errors are using the same type. You can predefine exceptions/errors or issue them with one of: (expect, raise):

** define error
new exception := {code,"message"} ∈ X;

Recoverable errors can be issued using "raise" keyword.

** "raise" can create a customized error or message
raise exception   if condition; -- create an error that is predefined
raise "message"   if condition; -- create instant user error code: 200
raise {code,"message"} if condition; -- create instant custom error with code

Note: The standard module will define standard error objects as system constants. Code 100, 101, 102 are user errors, created by raise, expect or fail keywords.


A trial can have several optional jobs. Each jon start with keyword try() that has 2 optional arguments: try(code, message). Every try can pass or fail with a code and a message.

You can use raise or abort inside a try() block. The raise will mark the try as failed and will record the code and message in the $trial report.


This region can catch an error and decide what to do next. Error can be catch by code or a list of codes. For each cases you can handle the errors using keywords: "abort","retry","resume" or "raise". If a case is not using any of these keywords, the next case is executed. If no case resolve the error, this error auto-propagate.

Transfer Statements

Next statements are transfer statements used in trial block:

word description
abort stop the trial and transfer execution to final block
raise intrerupt current job and create a recoverable error
fail record an error and continue with next step
pass skip current job and continue with next step
retry exception handler, repeat the trial
resume exception handler, jump to next try job


This region is used for any other error that is not handled by case handlers. You can use any selector in this region to find an exceptions by code but you can also just report the error or log the error and stop the trial.


This region is executed just before trial is done, regardless of error status. Even if there is no error to propagate this region is still executed. This region is mandatory execute even if the trial is aborted.

In this region there is an oportunity to report all messages recorded in $trial object. You can use $trial.messages that is a hash-map created by the system automaticly.

In final block:


#simple trial block
    new x ∈ Q;
    new y ∈ Q;
    let x := 1/0;
    print "x = " + x;
    print $error.message if $error.code ≠ 0;


In this example we use "raise" statement to create an error on purpose:

#define a custom error
  new my_error:{200, "custom error"} <: Error;
  raise my_error; -- issue user error
case $error.code == 200 do
  ** we catch the the error and do something
  print $error.message;
  print $error.line;
  raise $error; -- propagate error



By using "retry" you can repeat a trial several times until other ending conditions are encounter. You can issue "retry" from case blocks for specific errors.

#example of repeating trial
** try maximum 3 times
trial [name]:
    new count ∈ (1..3);
    new a ∈ (0..9);
    let count += 1;
    read a;
    if  a < 0 do -- trigger patch
    else if a < 9 do
      write "correct";
    else if  a > 9 do
      write "incorrect";
case $out_of_range do
    if count < 3 do
      write "wrong try again:"
      retry; -- try again the entire trial
      write "wrong 3 times!";
      fail $out_of_range;
    write "mistrial: no case"
    print "trial is resolved";
    print $trial.messages;
done [name];


Read next: Rules