Bee has capability to run in parallel multiple instances of a rule. For this we need to start a rule asynchronously and run other rules or the same rule in a parallel thread. This is called multi-threading application. For this we introduce new kwyeords:
keyword | description |
begin | call a rule asynchronously and create a new thread |
wait | suspend a thread for specific number of seconds |
yield | suspend current thread and give priority to other threads |
Asynchronous call can be done using a control cycle and keyword "begin". This is significant because a rule need parameters. By using keyword "begin" we initiate one rule "test" 4 times but this rule does absolutely nothing, just wait about 30 seconds.
** suspend n seconds
rule test:
wait 10 + i*5;
** prepare for execution 4 threads
rule main:
for ∀ i ∈ (1..4) do
begin test(i);
wait; -- wait for other threads to finish;
A big problem in asynchronous call is to capture the results of a rule that run in parallel mode. In the next example we use map-reduce design pattern to create sum of numbers in parallel. The results are captured into a list. Then we reduce the results by making sum of sums and create the output.
Map-Reduce Pattern
** suspend n seconds
rule sum(a, b ∈ Z) => (r ∈ Z):
new i := 0
for ∀ i ∈ (a..b) do
let r += i;
** prepare for execution on 4 threads
rule main:
new results <: List; -- partial sum collection
** use a mapping technigue to split data in 4 equal batches
new i ∈ N;
for ∀ i ∈ (1.!100:25) do
begin test(i,i+25) +> results;
wait; -- wait for other threads to finish;
new output ∈ Z;
** reduce results into output
for ∀ partial ∈ results do
let output += partial;
print output; -- 5050
expect output = 5050;
Note: There is a smarter way of doing this sum using a formula: (1+100)*50 = 5050. But of course we pretend we don't know this and do it in the hard way. The point is we have done it in parallel on a multithread application.
Coroutines are rules that can be suspended with all states ready then resumed on demand multiple times. Each time we resume a coroutine this can produce one result that we capture. So a coroutine can produce multiple results until finishes.
Coroutines can be used as a branch of main thread. This is not yet running in parallel but is an example for how a rule can play as a coroutine.
rule test(n ∈ N) => (result ∈ N):
** can generate n numbers
new i ∈ N;
for ∀ i ∈ (1..n) do
let result := i;
** suspend execution
yield; -- wait for the main thread
result = 0; -- finalization signal
rule main:
** start secondary process
begin test(9) -- initialize coroutine
new r ∈ N; -- result reference
yield r <- test; -- capture next result
write (r, ",");
repeat if r > 0;
print; -- 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,
Note:&In the example above, the program is still working in serial mode, except that has a branch running on a separated thread. When the coroutine function the main thread is on hold, and when the main thread function the coroutine is waiting.
Producer consumer patern is using coroutines that can work in palallel in asynchronous mode. That means we start coroutines and do not wait to finish but let the main thread to continue. A producer is preparing the work and the consumer is doing the work.
If you do not know how this works, take a look to the diagram below. We have one rule called "producer" one list that act as queue and a routine called "consumer". The queue has a limited capacity. We can use same consumer twice, if we do then the application is also multi-threading.
.Producer Consumer
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